what to expect : mandy or me, a big camera and a ton of fun
location: many to choose from.
clothing: yes we do expect everyone to arrive fully clothed, we suggest lively contrasting colors. we do discourage matching ensembles for the group, we think those look better in schools and workplaces. ok don’t panic we can take your picture even if you show up in matching outfits:)
what to do during the session: we should really rename this section ” what not to do” to mention a few :
don’t be stiff it is not good for your joints.
don’t be shy, we are not a date you are trying to impress; the occasional snort or accidental fart are permitted.
don’t look mad, excessive frowning produces premature wrinkles.
don’t forget to pee before your session, the excessive laughter may produce accidents:).
don’t tell us any embarrassing things about you, we can’t keep a secret.
don’t yell at the little ones, kids need to be kids so let them be. plus, you remember that thing about wrinkles and being mad…yeah, that thing?
ok, now that you almost peed your pants, take a few minutes to regain your composure and get to nearest phone or computer to book us.